Keeping America Connected
Responding to COVID-19
When the COVID-19 pandemic forced tens of millions of Americans to work and learn from the safety of their homes beginning in March 2020, broadband networks provided a critical lifeline that kept our economy moving, students engaged and families connected. Over 78 million homes and businesses rely on the broadband service delivered by cable providers, and these networks met the traffic surge and biggest stress test that the internet has ever faced.
Meeting the challenge that the pandemic placed on broadband networks was helped by years of continued investment and upgrading of networks to stay ahead of consumer demand, including offering gigabit speeds to 80% of American homes. As the pandemic set in, broadband providers worked around the clock to monitor demands placed on the network, add capacity where needed and do whatever was necessary to keep everyone connected.
Even as businesses and schools reopen, robust connectivity is now more important than ever and cable broadband providers will continue to provide the resilient infrastructure that Americans can rely on.
Industry Response
Keeping Everyone Connected
With so many new challenges, we’re stepping up our efforts to provide connectivity to all.
Peak Traffic Growth
Between March 2020 and July 2021, NCTA tracked the performance of cable broadband networks and reported this data via the COVID-19 Internet Dashboard. The chart below shows peak network utilization and internet traffic spikes – both upstream and downstream – during this 17 month span. The dashboard tool was created to transparently highlight how cable internet service providers were handling the unprecedented internet traffic surge caused by the pandemic.
Broadband Insights
The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of broadband so consumers can stay connected for learning, working, visiting doctors, communicating with family and much more. Cable internet service providers are committed to providing superior network performance, and consumer views reflect that.