Consumer Insights
America's Viewpoint
Over the past few decades, technology has transformed our lives and changed how we live, work, learn and play. With virtually every American relying on the internet and enjoying the vibrant TV programming marketplace, it’s important to understand consumer attitudes and sentiments about the latest technologies and entertainment options at their fingertips.
Americans Have Strong Satisfaction with Their Home Broadband

Of Americans give a positive rating to their broadband service at home
Source: Morning Consult, September 2023
Consumers Highly Satisfied with Key Aspects of Their Home Internet Service
A majority of adults are satisfied with the tested aspects of their home internet service.
are satisfied with their speed of downloads
are satisfied with their signal strength / network range
are satisfied with the cost of service for their internet connection
are satisfied with the security of their internet service
are satisfied with the reliability of their internet service
Source: Morning Consult, September 2023
Satisfaction of Home Internet Service Has Increased Since 2019

Source: Morning Consult, September 2023