The Monthly Value of Internet

Internet Value

The internet has become such a part of our daily lives that a connection is now considered a must have, not a luxury. Entertainment, school, research, careers, and relationships are all greatly enhanced by a modern internet connection. Considering the fundamental role connectivity plays in our lives, monthly internet subscriptions make up a relatively small part of average household expenses. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans on average spend more on gym memberships, cell phone plans, electricity, gas and dining out than they do on their internet plan.

Not every household, however, has the same budget or the same needs. That’s why cable ISPs offer tiers of service, so households with tight budgets don’t have to buy a one-size-fits-all plan, and so households that revolve around the latest streaming TV show can upgrade their service based on their needs. Furthermore, cable ISPs offer reduced-cost plans for low-income Americans and have connected more than eight million people to help close the digital divide.
