World IPv6 Day: How Did It Go?

As we reported, yesterday was World IPv6 Day, an important time of testing for the transition from our current IPv4 system to IPv6.

According to initial feedback, there appeared to be some intermittent software issues, but overall this 24-hour test was a success for those websites participating in World IPv6 Day (See ISOC's release). It will take some time for Internet companies (websites, ISPs and others) to collect and examine their data, so it will likely be days or weeks before the results are fully analyzed.

As I indicated earlier this week, the cable industry was fully engaged in World IPv6 Day, as befitting our role as leading broadband providers in America. CableLabs, the industry's research & development organization, kept an open communications line for 26 hours, in order to allow for quick MSO discussion and response to any issues that might have arisen.

We will continue to be involved in this and other key Internet issues (e.g., our sponsorship of the 85th meeting of the Internet Engineering Task Force next year).

Kudos to the Internet Society for taking the lead on this initiative, and for their role to help promote the transition to IPv6.