CableFax Daily interviews Cable Show '09 Co-Chair, Michael Willner

Michael Willner, CEO of Insight Communications, was recently interviewed by CableFax Daily's editor, Amy Maclean on the shape of the cable industry and his feelings on Cable Connection. From the article:

AM: You’re chairman of The Cable Show ’09. It will be during the inaugural Cable Connection week. How do you think this consolidation of events will work out? MW: It has to work out. The industry is a different industry than it was when all these things got started. There are fewer companies that serve many subscribers. There just needed to be a rationalization of all this travel that was taking place. We looked for ways to do it that will not detract from the contributions these various organizations are making to the industry. We just needed to be more rational about how they do it.

What do you think about Cable Connection? Are you planning on attending Cable Show '09 and other Cable Connection activities?