“Accomplishing the important mission of connecting every American to robust broadband service requires more than billions of dollars in funding and participation of expert broadband providers. It also will require clearing of regulatory obstacles and lopsided practices that deter speedy deployment to unserved communities. Many of the legislative proposals reviewed at today’s subcommittee hearing will do just that.
The FAIR Poles Act importantly takes a critical step forward in promoting greater predictability, certainty, and fairness among all companies working to bridge the digital divide. This proposal would speed broadband construction and promote fair competition by ensuring that all parties partnering to build broadband are covered by the same legal regime for utility pole attachments. Building broadband networks in unserved areas requires speedy pole access, and it is time that pole owners play by these same rules.
We applaud the House Energy & Commerce Committee for working to break down the barriers that would slow the buildout of the government’s investment in broadband. We look forward to continuing to work with the Committee on this critical legislation.”